Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's All Brand New.....Again

Starting a church is not an easy task. I never thought it was easy, but each day I am finding it to be the most challenging thing I have ever done. There are constant struggles, joys, discouragements, and celebrations. I have discovered that the key is to never lose sight of who called you to start, what you are called to do, and that you must refuse to give up on God's dream for the world and for you.
Tonight reminded me of why I/we do what we do. We really didn't do anything that incredible. We bought some pizzas, made some food, got some drinks and went to a local neighborhood that we have been in for 2 years. We spent about an hour and a half just talking to people, playing with kids and sharing our time and life with each other. As we left, one of the kids looked at me and said, "I wish you guys came everyday."
There is nothing wrong with big program events; they are great. There is nothing wrong with huge activities, blow up bouncy things, and an event organized to the minute with acitvity. However, we can never forget that what people need is to have relationships with others. People need to know names and faces. Community is not developed through program, but through investing yourself, your time, and your life.
For the past few weeks, I have struggled with wondering if we are making a difference in this neighborhood. Tonight, I realized that we are making a huge difference. There is a different "spirit" in the neighborhood when we enter. People hang out and talk with each other. The kids (and adults) just enjoy one another and play games with each other. As all of this goes on, we share life. Life that comes from different angles, dimensions, socio-economic and racial backgrounds, but life nonetheless. We discovered community.
So, as we continue to figure out how to build a church, minister to individuals and neighborhoods, and do all of this with little money, not enough hands, and energy that tends to run short...God shows up. He shows up and reminds us that what you began doing is what you still need to do. What you believed was an old way is really the new way.
Keep living. Keep loving. Keep going. Refuse to give up on God's Dream for the world.


  1. Of course you know I would love the idea of a blog. Yeah!! And it was fun last night. That was great one of the kids said they wished we could come everyday. I remember saying I wish I could go to church everyday. What a concept--to want to surround yourself with what makes you feel good on a daily basis.

  2. Doing my devotion this morning from 'Jesus Calling'- talking about encountering obstacles as we move toward our goal, but don't be discouraged-never give up!" I recall last Sunday's message from John, saying the same thing: "Don't give up!" The following thoughts resonate through my mind: "Let Me set the pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in My Presence." In response I wrote down a prayer for today's thoughts.
    'Thank you faithful Lord. For never giving up on me. For loving me and calling me by name- looking for me, that one lost sheep.The prodigal child who continues to journey out, still trying to do it my way. You always welcome me home and love me as if I was your only one.
    Thank you for Your grace, that bathes me in forgiveness when I venture astray from Your path. That helps me through difficult times and keeps me in peace. That reminds me that I can get through all circumstances in my life because Your Strength and Your Grace are enough to see me through. I know these things to be true- I have been there and You are forever faithful, always present, and I find that peace,amazed in Your midst that You continue to love me and search for me, as I have went astray, saying to me, "Never give up, My grace is sufficient for you... what you seek you will find through the grace given at that moment, trusting Me and the path I have chosen for you. Be faithful and trust Me. "
    I trust you Sweet Jesus. Amen.'
